Monday, November 1, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays

Sitting here on a wet and windy Monday would under normal circumstances be quite painful but not when you can add a posting to your blog! (Too much excitement!)

To say the least Saturday's blog class was very interesting and I look forward to the weeks ahead and where we go with it. Like most of you I don't quite know where blogging is going to take me but I'm certainly looking forward to the journey.

Our current recession is really my first recession. Even though I'm in my forties (still just about) I have no recollection of severe times. My parents were the great providers and life in general was fine. As always we didn't have much but thankfully we didn't need much. I learnt a good lesson early on, to cut your coat to suit your cloth.

Today thankfully again, life has not been to unkind and our current family circumstanses are working well for all concerned. I do feel deeply though for the people who have been severely rocked by this recession and hope new and sunny days aren't to far away for all.

Would I ever have got involved with ILP without the recession, who knows? However one way or the other I intend making the best of it and enjoying our Saturday mornings blogging with smiles and laughs.

1 comment:

  1. I like your optimism Ciaran -= I'm afraid I got more and more incensed as I tried to write something 'nice'.

    Lovely sunrise!

