Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weather is what you make of it

There are days when the weather rules and today is one of them. It could not be more miserable, wind blowing hard and rain coming down in sheets. But coming home is always good and getting warmed up great.Recessions come and go but we still have the little things to brighten our lives.
 Today my happy moment revolved around the trousers. I had never wore them while cycling in heavy rain before and I was concerned about how wet I was going to get. The trouser's name "SOLAR DRY" wasn't appealing to me either, considering the monsoon conditions. But low and behold having stopped for a coffee, I found that my amazing SOLAR DRY trousers lived up to their name and dried out almost immediately!

Happy days...sometimes "it does exactly as it says on the tin"  

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